General Research Links
Scholarly and Layman's
Pages Including the Odd and Interesting
Historical Research,
Subjects in General:
- Laurence University History Department's Doing History
pages. I'm not sure I like the title of their pages much...but
these are comprehensive links pages and easily navigated.
Included in these pages is a sturdy "how-to"
research guide geared for college students but good in
general. Links include pages for the professional and beginner,
to historical societies, and interesting sites such a link to this page
Related Websites."
- Rutgers University has a
number of pages devoted to a good
slice of British
and American History. Check out their documents and links
pages, very comprehensive. Unfortunately their link to De Legibus Et Consuetudinibus Angliæ
or - Henry
of Bracton's Laws and Customs of England though Cornell U is
broken. You can find it instead through Harvard University's Bracton Online
- WWI anyone? Head over to the trenches, then. Trenches on
the Web offers a comprehensive history of World War I, plus a dynamite,
go-anywhere, links page.
- Here's one I like, the Godey's Lady Book.
Thanks to Hope Greenberg and the University of Vermont for bringing
this womens magazine to the web. This site includes both full
volumes and extracts spanning issues printed from 1850 to 1858.
- Some law sites for you, The Avalon Project
at Yale Law School : "Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy" and also
good old Find
Law, which allows searches and provides information for US Supreme
Court decisions since 1937. And more law! This page, A Chronology of US Historical
Documents, comes through the University of Oklahoma College of
Law--everything from the Magna Carta,
to the Fugitive
Slave Law, to George W. Bush's State of the Union Speech in
2006. Not all their links are running, though. :(
- Here's another fun one, a link to The London
Gazette, fully electronic with selected dates from 1674 to
Deb's Historical
Research Page is a comprehensive links page. It's best for
the lighter research tasks, as not all the pages are 'scholarly.'
But there is no doubt this page is a gift to researchers and a
tremendous help to get started or answer general knowledge
questions. Some wonderful gems on her site include links to such
things as
Soldiers' Hairstyles, Motor
Car Pamphlets for the UK governing road safety in the 19th Century,
and The
Headquarters (is that supposed to be a pun?) featuring a lovely
gallery of models.
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