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A 'works referenced' list of manuscripts and books for F.A. Gasquet's English Monastic Life.

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Gasquet, F. A., English Monastic Life, Methuen & Co., London. 1904. 



By the advice of the editor of this series, the present list of the principal manuscripts and books used in this volume to describe the life of an English medieval monastery is here printed, in place of giving multitudinous references at the foot of every page.  In the case of the MSS. full transcripts have been made of most of them, in order that all the available evidence bearing on the subject might be fully considered.

Consuetudinarium Monasterii B. Marie, Ebor.  St. John's Coll., Cambridge, MS. D. 27.

ConsuetudinariumAbbatiae S. Petri Westmonasteriensis 
(Abbot Ware's). (4th part only, much burnt.)  Cott.  MS.  Ortho c. xi.

Constitutiones pro monasterio de Abigndon.  Harl.  MSS.  209, ff. 11-12, 85-87.

Ordinale S. Edmundi de Burgo.  MS.  Harl.  2,977.

Ordinale esslesiae S. Augustini Cantuariensis : de disciplina Monachorum, etc. Cott. MS. Vitellius D. xvi.

Consuetudines quaedam Abbatiae S. Edmundi Buriensis.  (Stated in a Papal letter in the Marini transcripts).  Brit.  Mus. Add. MS. 15,358, f. 439 seqq.

Traditiones partum O.S.B. in Liber albus of Edmundsbury.  Harl. MS. 1005.

Consuetudines quaedam Abbatiae de Reading.  MS. Cott. Vesp. E. v. f. 37 seqq.


Memoriale qualiter in monasterio conversare debemus.  Harl.MS. 5,431, f. 114 d.

Officium Senescall, aule Hospitum ecclesie Cantuariencsis faciendae. MS. Cott. Galba E. v. f. 26 d seqq.

Consuetudines Cantuarienses.  Arund.  MS.  68, f. 55 seqq.

Traditio Generalis Capituli super mores et observantias monachorum Ordinis S. Benedictii.  Cott.  MS.  Faustina C. xii, f. 181.

Consuetudines Elemosinae ecclesiae Sti. Petri et S. Swithune, Winton.  Brit.  Mus. Add. MS. 29,436, f. 72 d. seqq.

Walteri de Wykwane, Abb. de Winchcombe, perquisite spiritualia et temporalia, una cum ejusdem monasterii Constitutionibus et Ordinationibus per eudem factis.  Cot. MS. Cleop. B. II. f. I. Printed in Monasticon.

Statuta Capituli Generalis O.S.B. (Reading and Abingdon, A.D. 1388).  Cott. MS. Faustina A. II. f. 93 seqq.

Westminster Chapter O.S.B. under King Henry V.  Cott.  MS. Vesp. D. ix. f. 193 seqq.

Acta Capitulorum Generalium O.S.A.  Brit. Mus. Cotton Charter xiii. 3.

Acta Capituli Generalis Ordinis Sti. Augustini, A.D. 1506.  R.O. Exchequer, Q.R. Miscell.  9 1 6 / 44

Mortuary Rolls (Norwich).  Brit. Mus. Cotton Charter II.  17 and 18.

Visitationes Abbatiae de Hayles Ord. Cist.  Brit. Mus., Royal MS.  12, E.  XIV. f. 73 seqq.

Visitatio Ecclesiae Cath. Wynton (Bp. William of Wykham, A.D. 1386).  Harl. MS. 328.

Monasticon Cisterciense.  Julianus, Paris.  Ed. nova Hugo Séjalon.  1892.

Bibliotheca Premonstratensis, 1633.  Le Paige.

Customary of the Benedictine Monasteries of Saint Augustine, Canterbury, and Saint Peter, Westminster.  ed Sir E. Maunde Thompson  (Henry Bradshaw Soc.).  1902.

The Ancren Riwle.  ed. J. Morton (Camden Soc.).  1853.

The Observances in use at the Augustinian Priory at Barnwell, Cambridgeshire. Ed. J. Willis Clark, M.A., F.S.A.  1897.


Apostolatus Benedictinorum in Anglia.  Reyner, Clemens.

Antiquiores Consuetudines Cluniacensis Monasterii--Collectore Udalrico Monacho.  Migne, Patr. Lat. vol. 149, col. 635 seqq.

The Lausiac History of Palladius.  ed. Dom Cuthbert Butler.  Part I.  Introduction (Texts and Studies, vol. vi.).

De Antiquis Ecclesiae Ritibus.  Martène, III. pp. 253 seqq.

Ordinale Conventus Vallis Caulium.  Ed. W. de Gray Birch.  1900.

De Consuetudinibus Abbendoniae, Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon.  ed. J. Stevenson (Rolls Series), II. p. 296 seqq.

The Ancient English Version of the Rule of St. Francis--Abbreviatio Statutorum. 1451 : in Monumenta Franciscana.  Vol. ii.  (Rolls Series).  ed. R. Howlett.

Rouleaux des Morts du ixe au xve Sècle, Léopold Delisle (Soc. de l'Histoire de France).  1866.

Accounts of the Obedientiars of Abingdon Abbey.  ed. R.E.G. Kirk (Camden Soc.). 1892.

Compotus Rolls of the Obedientiaries of St. Swithun's Priory, Winchester.  ed. G.W. Kitchin  (Hampshire Record Soc.).  1892.

De prima Institutione Monachorum in Monasticon Anglicanum.  (ed. Calley Ellis and Bandinel), I. xix. seqq.

Procenssus electionis Abbatum S. Albani.  Mon.  Angl. II. 191, note.

De Consuetudinibus et Ordinationibus officialium separalium in Abbatia de Evesham.  Mon.  Angl.  II.  23-5.

Literae Constitutionum Hugonis, Lincoln.  Episcopi, Visitatione Monalium de Cotun.  Mon.  Angl. V. 677.

Tractatus Statutorum Ordinis Cartusiensis pro Noviciis, etc. Mon. Angl. VI. pp. v., xii.

De Canonicorum Ordinis Origine, etc.  Mon. Angl. VI. pp. 39-40.

Ordinatio pro coquina conventus Canonicorum de Haghmon.  Mon. Angl. VI. III.

Ordinatio pro officiis Prioris et Subprioris ibidem.  Mon. Angl. VI. p. 112.


Institutiones beati Gilberti et successorum ejus, per Capitula Generalia instituae. 
Mon.  Angl.  VI. p. 2, pp. *xxix.--*xcvii.

Regula Monachorum S. Trinitatis
.  Mon.  Angl.  VI. p. 3, p. 1,558 seqq.

De primordiis et inventione sacrae Religionis Iherosolimorum.
  Mon.  Angl. V. p. 2, pp. 181 seqq.

De Canonicorum Ordinis Premonstratensis Origine, etc
.  Mon. Angl. V. p. 2, pp. 857 seqq.

Consuetudines Abbatae Eveshamensis
.  Mon. Angl. II. 27-32.

De Officis Praecentoris. Mon. Angl. II. p. 39.

De Sacrista
.  Mon. Angl. II. p. 40.

Constitutiones per Decanum et Capitulum Ecclesiae Catheralis S. Pauli, Lond.,
factae, Moniales Caenobii S. Helenae prope Bishop's-gate, infra Civitatem London, tangents.  Mon.  Angl. IV. p. 553.

 Leges Monachis Hydensibus ab Edgaro Rege Datae.  Mon. Angl. II.  p. 439 seqq.

 Constitutiones Capituli Generalis O.S.B. apud Northampton, A.D. 1225, in Mon. Angl. I. pp. xivi.-li.

A Consuetudinary of the Fourteenth Century for the House of St. Swithin, Winchester. Ed. G.W. Kitchen, D.D.  1886.

Collectanea Anglo-Premonstratensia (Camden Soc.). 1904.

Charters and Records of Cluni.  G. Duckett.

Visitations of English Cluniac Foundations.  G. Duckett.

Two Chartularies of the Priory of St. Peter at Bath.  ed. W. Hunt (Somerset Record Soc.).

Rentalia et Custumaria of Glastonbury.  ed. C. Elton (Somerset Record Soc.)

Woman and Monasticism.  L. Eckenstein.  1896.

S. Gilbert of Sempringham and the Gilbertines.  Rose Graham. 1902.

Gesta Abbatum S. Albani.  ed. Riley (Rolls Series), II. pp. 95-107, Constitutiones Abbatis Johannis de Maryns, c. 1308. pp. 301-316, Constitutiones, c. 1336.  pp. 418-466, Constitutiones Abb. Thomae de la Mare, c. 1386. pp. 511-519.  Constitutions for nuns of Sopwell.


Gesta Abbatum S. Albani.  ed. Riley (Rolls Series), III. pp. 470-72. Constitutiones Abbatis Johannis de la Moote.

Adam de Domerham.  Hearne, p. 123.  De electione Walteri More Abbatis Cenobii Glastoniensis.  

The Register of Ralph of
Shrewsbury, Bishop of Bath and Wells (1329-1363).  ed. T.S.Holmes (Somerset Record Soc.). 1896.

Episcopal Register of the Diocese of Winchester.  William of Wykeham.  ed. T. R. Kirby (Hampshire Record Soc.). 1899.

Episcopal Registers of the Diocese of Exeter.  Seven vols. ed. F.C. Hingeton-Randolph.

Episcopal Register of the Diocese of Winchester, John de sandale and Rigaud de Asserio.  Ed. F.J. Baigent (Hampshire Record Soc.).  1897.

Episcopal Registers of the Diocese of Worcester.  ed. J. Willis Bund (Worcester Hist. Soc.).

Visitations of the Diocese of Norwich, A.D. 1492-1532. ed. A. Jessop, D.D. (Camden Soc.).  1888.

Rites and Customs within the Monastical Church of Durham.  Ed. J. Raine (Surtees Soc.).  1842.

The Durham Household Book.  ed. J. Raine (Surtees Soc.)  1844.

Halmota Prioratus Dunelmensis.  Ed. J. Booth (Surtees Soc.) 1886.

Durham Account Rolls.  ed. J. T. Fowler (Surtees Soc.) 3 vols. 1898-1900.


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