Much information about
the Carthusians
can be found on the
internet. On this page you will
find links to some of this information, as well as information from
Gasquet's book English
Life. Gasquet published the book through The Antiquaries
series in
1904. It is now out of print and not generally available.
There may
be a number of factual errors in the text, or points on which
historians or theologians do not agree. Gasquet's
text, notes & links>>
Carthusians were founded in the eleventh century by St.
Bruno. With the help of the bishop of Grenoble
he built for himself and six companions, in the mountains near the
city, an
oratory and small separate cells in imitation of the ancient Lauras of
Egypt. This was in A.D.
1086 ; and the
takes its designation from the name of the place--Chartreuse. Peter the Venerable, the celebrated abbot of Cluny,
writing forty years after the foundation, thus describes their austere
form of
life. “Their dress,” he says, “is meaner
and poorer than that of other monks, so short and scanty and so rough
that the
very sight affrights one. They wear
coarse hair-shirts next to their skin ; fast almost perpetually ; eat
bean-bread ; whether sick or well never touch flesh [meat] ; never buy
but eat
it if given them as an alms ; eat eggs
on Sundays and Thursdays ; on Tuesday and Saturdays their fare is pulse
herbs boiled ; on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays they take nothing
but bread
and water ; and they have only two meals a day, except within the
octaves of
Christmas, Easter, Whitsuntide, Epiphany, and other festivals. Their constant occupation is praying, reading
and manual labour, which consists chiefly in transcribing books, They say the lesser Hours of the Divine
Office in their cells at the time when the bell rings, but meet
together at
Vespers and Matins with wonderful recollection”
A manner of
life of such great austerity naturally did not attract many votaries. It was a special vocation to the few, and it
was not until A.D. 1222 that the first house of the
Order was
established in England,
at Hinton, in Somersetshire, but William Langesper.
The last foundation was the celebrated
Charterhouse of Shene, in Surrey, made by King
V. At the time of the general
dissolution, there were in all eight English monasteries and about a
English Monastic Life by
F.A. Gasquet. (pages 221-222)
Quick History: The austere lifestyle of the Carthusians
was inspired by the ancient hermetic (hermits) movement into the caves
of the Egyptian Desert which began after A.D. 300 and
probably peaked in the sixth century. The Carthusian's simplicity
of dress, food, and their living communities mimic those early desert
hermitages where monks lived alone, but in proximity to each other,
often in clusters of dwellings (huts or caves), divided by lanes--hence
the term 'lauras' in relation to them, with the word 'laura' derived
from the Greek word for 'lane.' The Carthusians sought a return
to this way of life that was revered as a way to humble obedience, and
so to God.
The earliest austere Christian hermits and
monks were most closely associated with the Coptic Church of Egypt and
were also often known as the 'Desert Fathers.' Their ancient
dwelling places are known as the Wadi al-Naturn where monasteries are
still in existence today.
Chartreuse Liquor:
The Carthusian Monks maintained themselves partly through the
production of liquor. Their particular brand, Chartreuse Liquor:
in the Chartreuse mountain, the Monastery of "La Grande Chartreuse" is
the Mother House -- the Headquarters -- of the Chartreuse Order. This
is where, after years of study, Elixir Végétal - from the
manuscript "
Elixir of long life" - is finally, produced in 1737. The Elixir is
followed by the production of Green Chartreuse in 1764.
(Except from
production of beer, ale, wine and liquor (and other
intellectual innovations) has long been associated with
monasteries. The production of liquor/liqueur in particular has
interesting history:
[There was a] close
connection between medicine, chemical and physical
theory, alchemy and the Church in the later Middle Ages....
Distillation represented a mysterious
sublimation of
matter. Such transmutation was close to the heart of what
alchemists were
striving to accomplish throughout the Middle Ages.
Available by means of repeated distillation, the aqua vitae rectificata
('purified water of life') approximated pure alcohol. Jon of
another Franciscan Monk in the middle of the fourteenth century,
composed a
pair of solid tomes in which he declared what was universally accepted
as a
double undisputed truth: that this spirit of alcohol was
recognized as
the fifth essence, after the theretofore acknowledged prime essences of
water, fire and earth; ad that this quintessence
in turn must
constitute an
absolute remedy against any and all corruption occasioned (as any
morbidity necessarily
would be) by abnormally excessive occurrences of any of those other
Carthusian Houses in
England (see Religious Houses index
Anne’s |
(see Coventry) |
Warwick. |
or Gresley Park |
Notts. |
near St. Anne’s |
or Axholme |
Lincoln. |
Dei |
to Hinton) |
Dei) |
E. R. |
London |
to Witham) |
Mountgrace |
N. R |
Witham) |
or Selwood
ds. 1539
Somerset |
Carthusian Links:
Into Great Silence, a
documentary about Carthusian Life by Philip Groning, premiered at film
festivals around the world in 2006. Read a review by Peter
Krausz and Peter Malone of the Australian Film Critics Association.
Coptic Links:
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